Sunday, April 17, 2011

Roses galore *~*

 The Roses in front of my front porch are in bloom now such a heavenly sight! We have had some pretty stormy weather with marble sized hail and 70 ml hr winds fortunately for us no damage just small limbs off trees but sadly some people were not so lucky especially in Alabama. We had 2 1/2 in rain the night before last. My peonies are budding and I had transplanted and split these last fall and it looks like I am going to enjoy lots of blooms this summer.

  Yesterday I was invited to a party at Sister Red Shoes house where 12 of my lovely co workers helped me celebrate my nursing career that I sadly brought to an end last week. It was lovely I was given so many flowers and also they have given me an assistant Master gardener to help me one day in my garden! What a treat *~*  We will have to decide what is to be done. I have never ever had help in my garden. David takes care of the lawn & I do everything else because I just love it so!!
Golden Showers Climber

1 comment:

  1. How cool!!! This Master Gardener is going to be in for a treat!!
