Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring has sprung!

I have just returned to Atlanta from snowy Wisconsin what fun but what a lot of snow. I was so happy to see a mound of miniature daffodils when I stepped out of my car in Alpharetta, oh joy. I took a walk around my house just to see what had popped up in 5 days. other daffodils & Narcissus, buds of hyacinth too. my curly red willow has leaves budding. pink blossom trees & white I think cherry are blooming too. the pansies I planted last week look very happy & are smiling! except for the ones in front of my porch, rabbits or deer have enjoyed them :-( The climbing roses have leafed. the sun is shining today after a horrible storm last night when the sirens blared so loudly, but all is well. peace on the front porch with my cup of tea listening to the happy songs of birds *~*

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just love the the curly willows you have in your garden! I would love to see some pics of those as they begin to flourish!! Enjoy your garden Mum, I know you will(O:
